Who is JoyBoy in One Piece

September 21, 2024

Alright, so if you’re deep into “One Piece,” you’ve definitely come across the name JoyBoy. It’s one of those names that keeps coming up, but there’s still this huge question mark hanging over it.

Who is JoyBoy in One Piece? Why’s he such a big deal even now, hundreds of years later? Honestly, it feels like every time we get a bit more info about him, it just leads to more questions, right?

So, let’s take a crack at piecing together what we know. Maybe, just maybe, we can figure out what made this guy so important.

Who Is JoyBoy?

JoyBoy One Piece

First time we even hear about JoyBoy is way back on Fish-Man Island. Remember when Robin reads that Poneglyph? Yeah, turns out JoyBoy left some kind of apology there.

An apology! Can you imagine something you did being so important that you’ve got to leave a sorry note that’ll last for centuries?

That’s wild. It kind of makes you think that whatever he promised, it must’ve been something huge, something that mattered a lot.

And that’s the thing – nobody goes around leaving messages in stone unless they’ve done something that’ll shake the world, right?

It’s like he knew that what he did, or didn’t do, would be something people would care about far into the future. That alone tells you this guy wasn’t just some random dude from the past.

The Void Century: A Lost History

Okay, so then we’ve got this Void Century. If you’re into “One Piece,” you know how shady the World Government gets whenever this topic comes up.

It’s this 100-year period that’s been totally erased from history, and they’re super serious about making sure nobody digs into it.

The thing is, the more they try to hide it, the more it makes you want to know what’s up, you know?

JoyBoy lived during this time, and from what we can piece together, he was connected to this Great Kingdom that apparently went up against the 20 nations that would later form the World Government.

And yeah, that didn’t go so well for them. But JoyBoy’s involvement with this kingdom? That explains why he is such a big deal. It’s like, whatever happened back then, he was right in the thick of it.

What Did JoyBoy Do During the Void Century?

So, what exactly was JoyBoy up to during this mysterious Void Century? Here’s where things get interesting. He made some sort of promise to the people of Fish-Man Island – something about using this giant ship called Noah to bring them up to the surface so they could live freely with everyone else.

But, for some reason, he couldn’t keep that promise, and he left an apology behind on that Poneglyph.

And that’s the crazy part. Why couldn’t he keep his word? Was it because of that big war everyone talks about?

Or maybe it was something that else got in the way? The fact that he took the time to leave an apology tells you he really cared, you know?

It wasn’t just some failed mission. It was personal to him.

Honestly, it kind of makes you wonder if JoyBoy saw himself as someone who could really change things but then realized he was up against forces way bigger than he could handle. That’s the vibe I get anyway.

The Promise to Poseidon and the Fish-Man Island

Here’s another layer to this mystery: Poseidon. Now, Poseidon is actually a living person – a Mermaid Princess who can control Sea Kings. That’s some serious power right there.

JoyBoy apparently needed Poseidon’s help to fulfill his promise, but for reasons we still don’t fully get, he couldn’t go through with it.

Maybe he thought he’d have more time, or maybe something happened that stopped him from keeping his end of the deal. Whatever it was, it’s clear that Poseidon’s role was crucial.

The whole thing just feels like a missed opportunity, doesn’t it? Like, if things had gone just a bit differently, history might’ve taken a completely different turn.

JoyBoy’s Connection to the Ancient Weapons

Pluton One Piece

And then we’ve got these Ancient Weapons – Poseidon, Pluton, and Uranus. In the “One Piece” universe, these are essentially the stuff of legends, and JoyBoy is somehow entangled in it all. We know he was involved with Poseidon, but what about the others?

There’s a lot of speculation that JoyBoy might’ve known about Pluton too – that giant warship with enough firepower to wipe out an island. Maybe he even helped build it or knew how to find it.

Who knows? And Uranus? Total mystery at this point. But the fact that JoyBoy was connected to these weapons suggests he had some serious plans for them.

It’s not hard to imagine that he saw these weapons as a way to tip the scales against the World Government or whatever forces he was up against. But again, things didn’t go the way he hoped.

JoyBoy’s Legacy and the Will of D

Now, this is when things really start to get interesting. There’s this whole “Will of D” thing that keeps coming up – you know, the mysterious initial carried by characters like Luffy, Gol D. Roger, and Trafalgar Law. And there’s a pretty solid chance JoyBoy himself was one of them. That’s the theory anyway.

The “D” seems to represent some kind of inherited will, a desire to fight against the powers that be and bring about change. When Roger made it to Laugh Tale and learned about JoyBoy’s story, he just laughed. Like, he genuinely thought it was hilarious. That says a lot about how Roger saw himself in JoyBoy’s shoes, trying to pick up where this guy left off.

And that’s where Luffy comes into the picture. It’s like everything is coming full circle, with Luffy being the one to carry on this will – the will that JoyBoy had all those centuries ago.

Theories: Could Luffy Be the New JoyBoy?

Alright, let’s talk about this theory that Luffy is basically the “new JoyBoy.” I mean, it’s hard to ignore the parallels, right?

Both of them have this crazy drive to bring people together, to break down barriers and take on the big powers in the world. Kaido even mentioned something about Luffy possibly being JoyBoy, which was a huge hint.

Maybe it’s not about reincarnation or anything like that. Maybe it’s more about embodying the same spirit, the same ideals. Luffy is all about freedom, and so was JoyBoy.

So, is Luffy going to be the one to finally fulfill that promise JoyBoy couldn’t keep? It’s starting to look that way.

The Echoes of JoyBoy’s Legacy

So, what’s the deal with JoyBoy? Was he just a dreamer who bit off more than he could chew, or was he someone who laid the groundwork for something way bigger? It feels like every time we learn a bit more about him, we’re just scratching the surface. But one thing’s for sure – JoyBoy’s story isn’t finished. It’s still playing out, even now, through Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates.

And honestly, that’s what makes “One Piece” so amazing, isn’t it? It’s this feeling that all these threads from the past are finally coming together, that the story JoyBoy started all those years ago might finally get the ending he dreamed of.

Who knows? Hopefully one day we’ll finally get all the answers. But until then, JoyBoy’s legacy is one heck of a ride, and I’m here for every bit of it.


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